Winchester large rifle magnum primers in stock

 Hello Folks, I am new to the Hide yet have been reloading starting around 1976, back when you could get any brand of parts effortlessly. Sadly the great times are over well basically for the present. So on to the mark of my post. Powder or I ought to say reasonable powder and preliminaries have become almost difficult to track down with any consistency except for the Western Ramshot line of powders, in my space. I will not pay the extra $25 and up Haz-Mat charges for delivery so I need to depend on three neighborhood Gun Dealers. I use Sierra 168gr BTHP shots and CCI preliminaries and am presently flush with both however for the last year I am left with anything powders the Gun Shops have and as a rule that is NONE! I stumbled into an arrangement on 2 8lb holders of Ramshot TAC however since I've never utilized it I'm somewhat reluctant to purchase 16lbs of it. Contrasted with the value I can find it for utilizing gunbot without adding the Haz-Mat charge I can get this for about marked down. It has a Manufacturing date of 01/2013 and the containers are plant fixed and seem un-messed with so I ask, could you get it?


On the off chance that you as of now use Ramshot or have in the past might I at some point request your perspective from it's presentation. I need to go with a choice before Monday or it will go to the following person in line so any understanding would be greatly valued federal 209 primers .

Never utilized it myself, however taking a gander at the ramshot site the heap information looks pretty sensible and genuinely flexible. On the off chance that I was in your equivalent position, I'd get it instantly!


I've been at my neighborhood shop, Bass Pro, and Cabela's for quite a long time and seldom seen everything except $ 34 + jugs of vihtavouri that I can't force myself to purchase.

Yea, I've been thinking about it toward the beginning of today and given the current situation with things I would be a bonehead to allow it to move away, if nothing else I could constantly exchange it or store it for considerably harder times reloder 22 . Certain individuals here compliment it however at that point some express awful things as well, I suppose that is something similar with everything BTW the person is selling it for $ 80.00 @ 8lb can, that is $ 10 a pound, it's must be really great for something. I've previously let him know I will be over this evening to get it.

I have utilized TAC, Big Game, and Hunter, and viewed them as powerful and steady. As far as temperature cold-heartedness, I find them normal to some degree better. Somewhere closer to IMR and Hodgdon Extreme, and much less delicate than Win. They consume genuinely spotless, meter particularly well, and burden with more thickness than stick powders. They are a request just thing in my space, or I would utilize them all the more promptly.


I rate TAC on a standard (consume rate) with W748, Big Game with W760 / H-414, and Hunter with H-4350. At the point when I was shooting with it routinely, I involved TAC in 308 with 150 / 155gr projectiles, Big Game with 168 / 175's and Hunter with .260 and 142's.
